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your six basic work rights

1. Getting the right pay for the time you work
By law you must be paid for all time you work. Even if you work an extra 5 or 10 minutes here or there – it all adds up. If you’re asked to work after you have already clocked off, make sure you add it to your time sheet to make sure you are paid for it.

2. Receiving a proper payslip
You must receive a pay slip that records your pay rates and the hours you work, either hardcopy or electronic, every time you get paid. It’s important to check and keep your pay slips. If you’re underpaid, having them will help to calculate how much you are owed.

3. Taking your full breaks
Breaks are essential at work. They help you to rest and recover so you can go back to working as effectively as possible. You can find out when you’re meant to get breaks in your Enterprise Bargaining Agreement or Award. You must take them when they fall due and you can’t be asked to go back to work while on a break.

4. Having a safe workplace, free from bullying and harassment
You have the right to safe work environment, that is also free from bullying and harassment. You should know how to report a hazard and the correct safety procedures. Your employer also has a duty to keep your workplace safe and have no tolerance for bullying and harassment.

5. Getting paid the right superannuation
If you’re over 18 and receive more than $450 per month you should be receiving superannuation payments. Superannuation is a contribution made by your employer that goes towards your retirement savings. On top of your pay each week, your employer will contribute 9.5% into your superannuation fund.

6. Having a union help you at work
If you need help in dealing with your employer over your pay and working conditions, you have the right to be represented by a union in your workplace. The union can help you with issues like recovering pay that is owed to you or giving you advice and assistance if you feel you have been unfairly dismissed from your job.